Saturday, March 08, 2025

08 March


March 8th is National Peanut Cluster Day! Melted chocolate mixed with peanuts makes a perfect combination for sweet and salty deliciousness!

Peanut Cluster Day

Two things had to happen for peanut clusters to even exist. First, a method had to be invented for the cocoa bean to be processed and transformed into what we know as chocolate. That process wasn't widely used until about the late 1890s and just about the same time the second extraordinary thing happened; agriculture found a way to grow the peanut and bring it to the public with steel tools and steam power.  

It didn't take long for confectioneries to add the now readily available peanuts to melted chocolate. The sheer simplicity of the salty peanuts added to sweetened chocolate is a mouthwatering temptation few can resist, even today. Candy makers find them to be a popular addition to cookie tins or other holiday baskets. Their simplicity allows bakers to easily round out any cookie or bar tray. They also quickly satisfy a snack craving without much effort at all. 

How to Observe Peanut Cluster Day

  • Snack on some peanut clusters.
  • Make your own at home.
  • Share some with friends and family. 

Peanut Cluster Day History

We continue to research the origins of this nutty food holiday but have come up empty-handed. Well, we've found a handful of peanut clusters, but that's another story. 

Peanut Cluster FAQ

Q. Can peanut clusters be made with white chocolate?
A. Yes. Peanut clusters can be made with milk, dark or white chocolate.

Q. How long do peanut clusters keep?
A. Store peanut clusters in an airtight container and they will keep for several months.

Q. Can peanut clusters be frozen?
A. Yes. Seal in an air-tight, freezer-safe container before freezing.



International Women's Day

Oregon Day

Proofreading Day

Today's Thought

Rejection tests whether you're serious about your dream.


 12 days until Spring



Friday, March 07, 2025

07 March

The company finally got the Internet repaired after the high winds.  Out since yesterday afternoon.


March 7th urges us to get our bowl spoon ready for National Cereal Day each year! Since the end of the 19th century, cereal has become America’s most popular breakfast food.

National Cereal Day

Now, not only is cereal eaten for breakfast, but it has become a popular bedtime snack. Some people even enjoy a bowl for an evening meal. Bakers turn to cereal in their cake, cookie, and bar recipes. The most popular one is Rice Crispy Bar Treats.

A Little Cereal History:

Ferdinand Schumacher, a German immigrant, began the cereal revolution in 1854 with a hand oats grinder in the back room of a small store in Akron, Ohio. His German Mills American Oatmeal Company was the nation’s first commercial oatmeal manufacturer.  In 1877, Schumacher adopted the Quaker symbol, the first registered trademark for a breakfast cereal.

Granula, the first breakfast cereal, was invented in the United States in 1863by James Caleb Jackson, operator of Our Home on the Hillside, which was later replaced by the Jackson Sanatorium in Dansville, New York.  The cereal never became popular since it was inconvenient as the heavy bran nuggets needed soaking overnight before they were tender enough to eat.

Do you remember mornings eating a bowl of cereal, reading the back of the box and trying to find the toy inside the box?

The cereal industry rose from a combination of sincere religious beliefs and commercial interest in healthy foods. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg experimented with granola.  He boiled some wheat, rolled it into thin films, and baked the resulting flakes in the oven; he acquired a patent in 1891.  In1895 he launched Cornflakes, which overnight captured a national market.

In 1906, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg’s brother, William K. Kellogg, after working for John, broke away, bought the corn flakes rights from his brother, and set up the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company.  His signature on every package became the company trademark and insurance of quality.

Charles W. Post introduced Grape-nuts in 1898 and soon followed with Post Toasties.

Because of Kellogg and Post, the city of Battle Creek, Michigan is nicknamed the "Cereal Capital of the World."

How to Observe National Cereal Day

  • Give a shout-out to your favorite cereal brand.
  • Have a bowl for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Share it as a snack.
  • Create a delicious recipe from cereal and share your recipes. 

National Cereal Day History

After two scoops, a prize, and a second helping, the identity of the day's founder has fruit us for a loop. We tried boo berry hard. If it were a life mission, perhaps it would be more than just trix for kids. However, we figure if we snap, crackle, and pop a few more times, we might cereously score the lucky charms we krave that will lead us to the answer. It might seem corny, but our capt'n crunches in the research department!

Cereal FAQ

Q. Who's idea was it to give away prizes with cereal?
A. Look to the original cereal makers for that answer. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg tempted kids to eat his cereal with a prize in exchange for a mailed proof of purchase. However, soon the prizes were being included inside the box.

Q. Do cereals still include toys in their cereal boxes?
A. These days, it's rare for cereal makers to include toys in the cereal box. Occasionally, a cereal maker will make a special promotion that includes a toy, like General Mills did in 2020. However, today's cereal makers are following tech-savvy kids and their own bottom line by drawing the kids to the internet to earn prizes, credits, and more.


Be Heard Day

Crown of Roast Pork Day

Flapjack Day

Tartar Sauce Day

Dress in Blue Day

Speech & Debate Education Day

Employee Appreciation Day


Today's Thought

Collaborate with people you can learn from. ~ Pharrell Williams


 14 days until Spring





Thursday, March 06, 2025

06 March

National Oreo Cookie Day

The Oreo sandwich cookie is made up of two chocolate disks containing a sweet cream filling and is loved by millions. Since its introduction, the Oreo cookie has become the best-selling cookie in the United States.

The National Biscuit Company (today known as Nabisco) first developed and produced the “Oreo Biscuit” in 1912 at its Chelsea factory in New York City. Today, the block on which the factory was located is known as “Oreo Way.”

  • The name “Oreo” was first trademarked on March 14, 1912.
  • The first Oreo cookies in the United States sold for 25 cents a pound in clear glass topped novelty cans.
  • In 1912, the Oreo Biscuit was renamed “Oreo Sandwich.”
  • In 1948, the Oreo Sandwich was renamed “Oreo Creme Sandwich.”
  • William A. Turnier developed the modern-day Oreo design in 1952 to include the Nabisco logo.
  • Nabisco’s principal food scientist, Sam Procello, developed the modern Oreo cookie filling.
  • Celebrate the day by taking a poll of your friends and family and finding out how they eat their Oreos.
  • Dunk them in milk.
  • Crush them up and sprinkle them on ice cream.
  • Use them to make a delicious dessert
  • Share them with a friend.
  • Try a new flavor of Oreos.
  • Grab a glass of milk and a handful of Oreos to enjoy

National Oreo Cookie Day History

National Day Calendar continues to research the origins of this iconic cookie holiday. However, we suspect an Oreo lover created the day. 

Oreo FAQ

Q. How many different ways are there to eat an Oreo?
A. You're only limited by your imagination. Try these ideas:

  • Twist them apart, eat the cream center, and put them back together.
  • Twist them apart, eat the cream and cookie side first, and cookie only side last
  • Eat the cookie side first, and the cookie and cream side last
  • Any combination of the above while dunking in milk
  • Skip the milk and eat them whole.
  • Eat them whole, with milk but no dunking
  • Eat them whole dunking all the way
  • Some other interesting combination the world has never heard about


Dentist's Day

Dress Day

Frozen Food Day

White Chocolate Cheesecake Day

Hospitalist Day


Today's Thought

Great people do things before they're ready. ~ Amy Poehler

 14 days until Spring

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

05 March

Late Post...high wind power


National Multiple Personality Day on March 5th has two separate approaches to recognizing this day. 

Multiple Personality Day

The first strategy takes an inward examination of our own personalities. This approach sees the day as a way to explore personality traits and examining the roots of those traits. Each one of us shows a different side of our characters at other times and in different places. Sometimes our personalities appear to be altered, depending on whom we are with and what we are doing. With these things in mind, the day focuses our thoughts on our own personality traits.

The other view of the observance aims to raise awareness of the disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder is better known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). It is characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person’s behavior. Someone with DID will experience memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness. While the disorder affects less than .1 to 1 percent of the population, its impact is profound for that community and their family. The continued need for treatment, support, and research remains. 

How to Observe Multiple Personality Day

While there are two ways to approach this day, you can choose to recognize both.

  • Start by exploring your personality traits. T
  • ake a personality test and learn more about your personality.
  • Invite a friend to take the test with you and compare your results.
  • Learn more about Dissociative Identity Disorder. Please find out how it affects a person and how it is treated.
  • Attend a seminar or read up about the disorder.
  • Show support for those with the disorder by sharing your newfound understanding.
  • Use #MultiplePersonalityDay to post on social media.

National Multiple Personality Day History

National Day Calendar continues to research the origins of this multi-faceted day. 

Multiple Personality FAQ

Q. How common is dissociative identity disorder?
A. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is rare. It affects less than 1% of the population.

Q. What are some signs of DID?
A. Only a doctor can diagnose DID, and it can be difficult to diagnose. 


Absinthe Day

Cheese Doodle Day

Ash Wednesday

Today's Thought

"One Day" or "Day One"  You decide



 15 days until Spring


Tuesday, March 04, 2025

04 March


Every year at the end of February or beginning of March, National Pancake Day raises money for charity. IHOP restaurants began National Pancake Day in 2006. Since that day, they have raised close to $30 million for charities. People from around the country will once again celebrate enjoy free pancakes at IHOP Restaurants. Guests are asked to consider leaving a donation.

National Pancake Day

Also known as Johnnycakes, griddle cakes, or hotcakes, this batter-made breakfast item dates back more than 30,000 years. In fact, it may be the oldest breakfast food in history. They're delicious with whipped cream, maple syrup, fruit, and berries.

How to Observe National Pancake Day

  • Visit IHOP and have pancakes for a good cause.
  • Be sure to take your gift card, or share it with others!
  • Make a donation.
  • Share your favorite toppings.
  • Invite someone to enjoy pancakes with you.
  • Take a picture and post it on social media.

From 7 AM to 4 PM, IHOP is offering one free short stack of their Original Buttermilk Pancakes. Donate to help children battling critical illnesses. Each year since 2006, IHOP National Pancake Day has raised nearly $30 million. Visit for more information on participating locations and charities.

Pancake FAQ

Q. What are pancakes made from?
A. Pancake ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and oil create a batter. Spoonfuls of batter are then poured onto a hot griddle to make this tasty flat cake.

Q. Are pancakes only for breakfast?
A. No. Pancakes can be eaten at any meal, but they are a common breakfast item.


Grammar Day

Marching Music Day

Pound Cake Day

Sons Day

Fastnacht Day  

Fat Tuesday

Paczki Day 

Today's Thought

Growth and comfort do not co-exist. ~ Ginni Rometty



Monday, March 03, 2025

03 March


Each year, National Read Across America Day is celebrated on March 2nd, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. The annual event is part of Read Across America, an initiative on reading created by the National Education Association. Since the event is designed to encourage reading in children and is fostered through the schools, when March 2nd lands on a weekend, the day is observed on the closest school day. 

Read Across America Day 

This motivational and awareness day calls all children and youth in every community across the United States to celebrate reading. It encourages them to read where ever they are. Great ways to inspire reading in children include:

  • Keep books everywhere you spend time. Put them in the car, in every room of the house, and tuck them in backpacks and purses. Make them easily accessible. 
  • Visit the library often. Knowing how to use the library and learning the benefits of a library fosters a love of reading as well as genuine respect for the services libraries provide.
  • Get caught reading. Children imitate what they see the adults around them do. Whether they see you read a magazine, newspaper, or novel, let them know reading is the cool thing to do. 
  • Read to your children. No matter their age, reading aloud strengthens their vocabulary and language skills. It also opens up opportunities for discussion. 

Have your children read to you, too. You never know what you might learn!

How to Observe Read Across America Day

  • Pick up an interesting book and read it.
  • More importantly, read with a child. 
  • Join your library.
  • Attend a book reading. 
  • Read a book you've been meaning to read. 
  • Read a book you've read before. You may discover that it has a new meaning to you since you last read it. 
  • Try reading aloud, even if it is just to yourself. It will make great practice for reading to children. (Hint, hint.)

Read Across America Day Hostory

The first National Read Across America Day was held on March 2, 1998.

Read Across America FAQ

Q. Where can I find books for Read Across America Day?
A. Books are very accessible today. You can find books at:




Sunday, March 02, 2025

02 March


The calendar loves pie days and National Banana Cream Pie Day is no   exception! On March 2nd, be sure to get your slice of one of America's all-time favorite cream pies.

Banana Cream Pie Day

Remember, bananas are loaded with potassium!

The traditional custard pie was modified into a recipe that resulted in the appetizing and flavorful banana cream pie. Dating back to the 19th century, banana cream pie found its way into recipe books. Today, recipes fill cookbooks and flood the internet for this yummy pie. In the 1950s, soldiers of the United States Armed Services ranked the banana cream pie as one of their favorites. 

Banana and cream complement so many other flavors that bakers enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. Both chocolate and peanut butter pair well with bananas. Many other ingredients do as well. It should come as no surprise when exploring recipes when you discover the sheer number and variety to choose from. It's a testament to just how much the banana cream pie is enjoyed and loved.

How to Observe Banana Cream Pie Day

  • Make a banana cream pie.
  • Visit your favorite bakery or cafe for a slice of banana cream pie.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Invite a friend to join you for a slice of pie.

National Banana Cream Pie Day History

National Day Calendar continues to research the origins of this sweet holiday. 

Banana Cream Pie FAQ

Q. How hard is banana cream pie to make?
A. A banana cream pie can be made as simple as:

  • 1 box instant banana pudding  -  1 pkg cream cheese (softened)  -  2 large bananas – 1 container whipped topping – 1 graham cracker crust
  • Mix pudding with 1 1/2 cups milk, cool in the fridge until thickened. With a mixer, combine pudding and cream cheese until blended.  Slice bananas into graham cracker crust.  Spoon pudding mixture over bananas and top with whipped topping.  Chill for at least 2 hours.  Enjoy!!



Old Stuff Day

World Teen Mental Wellness Day

Finisher's Medal Day


Today's Thought

 Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. ~ Benjamin Disraeli



 18 days until Spring



Saturday, March 01, 2025

01 March



National Sunkist® Citrus Day on March 1 honors the rich history of California citrus, recognizes the legacy of multi-generational, family-owned Sunkist citrus farms, and celebrates the many health and wellness benefits that Sunkist citrus provides.

National Sunkist Citrus Day

The Sunkist cooperative has a rich history of values and a legacy of multi-generational, family-owned citrus farms, and is delighted to celebrate its 130th anniversary this year.

Trying Again

08 March

NATIONAL PEANUT CLUSTER DAY   March 8th is National Peanut Cluster Day! Melted chocolate mixed with peanuts makes a perfect combination fo...