On National Shower with a Friend Day on February 5th is a tongue-in-cheek way of educating people about the benefits of filtered, chlorine-free water.
Winter is the coldest and loneliest season of the year. With dwindling daylight and Valentine's Day at its heart, February can often leave people feeling dejected and somber. The day injects a bit of humor into the season while also serving to educate people on the benefits of showering in fresh, filtered water (and the effects of chlorine).
Learn more about how chlorine is harmful to shower or bathe in or consume.
How to Observe Shower With A Friend Day
Shower with filtered water. Learn more about the harmful effects of chlorine and how to filter it.
National Shower With A Friend Day History
New Wave Enviro, a company located in Denver, Colorado, submitted the day in 2014.
The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed the day in 2015 to be observed on February 5th, annually.
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Today's Thought
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ~ Maya Angelou
43 Days Until Spring
In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours. ~ Mark Twain