Tuesday, February 18, 2025

18 February


While February 18th is observed annually as National Drink Wine Day, it would be a shame to celebrate only one day a year. Perhaps this day is just a reminder to drink wine.

National Drink Wine Day

Wine does have its benefits after all. Moderate drinkers of wine have lower risks of liver disease, type II diabetes, certain kinds of cancers, heart attack, and stroke.  It also can reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good (HDL).

Drinking wine includes other benefits as well. When paired with the right meal, it enhances the flavors of spices, fruits, and sauces. A glass of wine helps relax us. Learning about wine keeps our minds sharp, too. Since the fruits, regions, and the making of wine have such a complex story, those who delve into find themselves traveling to learn more.

How to Observe National Drink Wine Day

  • Since February 18th is also National Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day, so we suggest a fresh, fruity white wine pairing the celebrations together.
  • Attend or host a wine tasting.
  • Try a new wine.
  • Give a bottle of wine to a friend.
  • Visit a vineyard.
  • Raise a toast to your favorite wine and let us know which one it is. 


National Drink Wine Day History

National Day Calendar continues researching the origins of this celebratory day. However, we've sipped a few wines and suspect either a winemaker or connoisseur created this day. 

Drink Wine FAQ

Should I drink red or white wine for National Drink Wine Day? Drink whichever wine you prefer. You can even drink both!


Battery Day

Crab Stuffed Flounder Day


Today's Thought

You don't make progress by standing on the the sidelines, whimpering and complaining.  You make progress by implementing ideas.  ~ Shirley Chisholm



30 Days Until Spring

In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours. ~ Mark Twain




  1. Kinda wonder what you do on battery day, change them perhaps - LOL. Interesting recipe day and wine drinking, well if I did drink at all that might be nice ;)

    1. The strongest drink I have is my 2 cups of coffee in the morning. The rest of the time it's water. I do have a caffeine free diet Pepsi after mowing in the summer and that would be soooo very welcome about now. Have I told you how very tired I am of winter? Probably at least once a day! 🥶

  2. I do love me some Costco cheap Sangria wine. My dad had a huge wine collection and cook with those because they're dry wine and I'm not a fan of those, but great for cooking

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. There's a chicken recipe in my collection that calls for white wine. It's a good dish. Wine was the preferred drink of DH. Happy Wednesday!


Trying Again

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