Wednesday, March 05, 2025

05 March

Late Post...high wind power


National Multiple Personality Day on March 5th has two separate approaches to recognizing this day. 

Multiple Personality Day

The first strategy takes an inward examination of our own personalities. This approach sees the day as a way to explore personality traits and examining the roots of those traits. Each one of us shows a different side of our characters at other times and in different places. Sometimes our personalities appear to be altered, depending on whom we are with and what we are doing. With these things in mind, the day focuses our thoughts on our own personality traits.

The other view of the observance aims to raise awareness of the disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder is better known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). It is characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person’s behavior. Someone with DID will experience memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness. While the disorder affects less than .1 to 1 percent of the population, its impact is profound for that community and their family. The continued need for treatment, support, and research remains. 

How to Observe Multiple Personality Day

While there are two ways to approach this day, you can choose to recognize both.

  • Start by exploring your personality traits. T
  • ake a personality test and learn more about your personality.
  • Invite a friend to take the test with you and compare your results.
  • Learn more about Dissociative Identity Disorder. Please find out how it affects a person and how it is treated.
  • Attend a seminar or read up about the disorder.
  • Show support for those with the disorder by sharing your newfound understanding.
  • Use #MultiplePersonalityDay to post on social media.

National Multiple Personality Day History

National Day Calendar continues to research the origins of this multi-faceted day. 

Multiple Personality FAQ

Q. How common is dissociative identity disorder?
A. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is rare. It affects less than 1% of the population.

Q. What are some signs of DID?
A. Only a doctor can diagnose DID, and it can be difficult to diagnose. 


Absinthe Day

Cheese Doodle Day

Ash Wednesday

Today's Thought

"One Day" or "Day One"  You decide



 15 days until Spring



  1. Oh, my goodness! Sorry about your power outage... hope it's back by now. Over 1000 homes here in my town lost power during the storm last night, but mine was not one of them. It was warm enough this afternoon that the snow was slushy and melting as I shoveled. Cleared off in time for the next one that comes through on Friday! Sigh.

    Hope all's well with you.

    1. It "on/off" all day. After the third time I quit resetting clocks. The computer stayed off for the entire day until the winds died down early evening. I worried about power surges to fry the mother board. Ugh! I'm tired of this crazy weather.

  2. We were at Mass yesterday for Ash Wednesday and funny the power was off in a section of town where someone hit a pole. Nothing to the weather yet but we shall see.

    1. The same reply as above. Today the sun shines and mother nature has calmed down.

      It "on/off" all day. After the third time I quit resetting clocks. The computer stayed off for the entire day until the winds died down early evening. I worried about power surges to fry the mother board. Ugh! I'm tired of this crazy weather.


Trying Again

08 March

NATIONAL PEANUT CLUSTER DAY   March 8th is National Peanut Cluster Day! Melted chocolate mixed with peanuts makes a perfect combination fo...