Monday, January 27, 2025

27 January


National Bubble Wrap Day (also known as National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day) on the last Monday in January recognizes a fascinating piece of invention. Today, bubble wrap's primary purpose is to protect fragile items either in shipping or storage. Of course, people also take enjoyment from popping the bubbles in bubble wrap, too.

However, when two engineers created bubble wrap, the use as packaging didn't pop into their minds right away. Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding first sealed two shower curtains together in 1956 in the town of Hawthorne, New Jersey. This technique created a smattering of air bubbles. The two engineers initially thought their creation would make a great wallpaper! However, sales for the wallpaper never materialized. So,  Chavannes and Fielding moved to sell the product as greenhouse insulation.

The product was originally named Air Cap and produced by the Sealed Air Corporation which was founded in 1960. In 1961, the product evolved into the Bubble Wrap we know today when it protected IBM's 1401 computer when it started shipping. Sealed Air Corporation trademarked Bubble Wrap and has been filling shipping needs ever since.

How to Observe Bubble Wrap Day

  • Use some bubble wrap.
  • Create an art project with bubble wrap.
  • Recycle some bubble wrap by donating to a local organization.
  • Read a Poke-A-Dot book.
  • Learn more about innovative ways to use bubble wrap.

National Bubble Wrap Day History

In 2001, Jim Webster of Spirit 95 WVNI radio in Bloomington, Indiana created National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.

Bubble Wrap FAQ

Q. Are there different sizes of bubble wrap?
A. Yes. Bubble wrap comes in a variety of thicknesses and bubble sizes. Bubble sizes range from 3/8-inch in diameter to 1/14-inch in diameter.

Q. Are there other inventions like bubble wrap created for one purpose and now have another purpose?
A. Yes. Play-Doh was originally created to clean wallpaper and did a pretty good job, too.

Q. Is bubble wrap reusable?
A. Yes! If you don't have a use for the bubble wrap you receive in packages, donate it to a local business. Many businesses use bubble wrap when shipping products to their customers. Donating your bubble wrap and other packaging materials to small businesses is a great way to make sure it gets reused and doesn't  end up in the landfill.


Chocolate Cake Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Vietnam Peace Day

 Today's Thought

One man has enthusiasm for thirty minutes, another man has it for thirty days. But it is the man who has it for thirty years who makes a success in life.

“If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?" ~

52 days until Spring



  1. Tigger likes to pop bubble wrap too, in fact she demands we put it down. I think the last two days are pretty important especially now since people are trying to pretend the Holocaust never occurred.

    1. I fail to understand how, with all the facts are out there: photos, interviews, film footage, and all the media that is available, people continue to deny these horrible events. Currently, it's January 6 that comes to mind. Similar leaders skilled in gaslighting.

  2. I have some bubble wrap for stressful days, "just in case"! LOL!

  3. Bubble wrap...stress busting for all ages. 😊


Trying Again

30 January

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