Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Attention to the Smallest Detail



Attention to the Smallest Detail

A lady worked as a janitor in a company for many years.

Now being a janitor is a pretty thankless job, which many of us might consider as a "dirty" job or at least pretty far down the totem pole. In other words, probably not a whole lot of fun.

It happened the company changed owners. Within a few days, the new owner wrote a personal thank you card to every employee in the company. He had his assistant go around and hand them out.

When this lady received and opened her card, she burst into tears. She asked if she could be excused from work. Thinking she was sick, she was allowed leave for the rest of the day.

What Really Happened.

What the story was - they found out a few days later - she had never received even a verbal thank you from the previous owners and management - much less a personal card.

And she had worked there 20 or 30 years !

So she was really touched when the new owner sent her a card of appreciation.

And ... she had been thinking the change of ownership was probably a good time to quit.

And ... she she was planning to let them know that very day.

Which she didn't. Because the little time, the little extra effort of the owner to send a little business thank you card, helped the lady change her mind.





  1. Great share this morning, thank you. Another thing I got from the story besides the smallest thing makes a difference is that not all change is for the worst but some change is good.

    1. Agree. Change is just different.

  2. it never hurts to show your appreciation for anything. I've always thought if more people showed a little kindness it could snowball and make the world a better place. AND there are more good people in the world than bad.

    1. Saying "please" and "thank you" are easy kindnesses to use. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Yes, the smallest things make a big difference to others. Always be kind to others because you don't know what they're going through.

    Have a lovely day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I like that quote. It is so true. Thanks for sharing. 🤗💞

  4. I love this one! I have responded that way to thank you notes from businesses... just that extra attention to detail!


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