Friday, March 01, 2024






  1. Yes, suddenly it is March! The Girls State Basketball tournament is in town. Next weekend it will be the Boys turn. Usually we get a snow storm for at least one of them, but this year it doesn't seem likely. And life goes on! May your March be a good one.

  2. Happy March! I can't get over how fast it got here.

    Enjoy the weekened! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Yup, the months fly by so quickly now. It was a cold lion and hopefully a warm lamb when it leaves. Have a great month!

  4. I swear the months pass faster as I get older. Happy March Jeanne.


Trying Again

17 January

NATIONAL CLASSY DAY   On National Classy Day, we celebrate those who are graced with the ability to live their lives with class, passion, ...